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Clay Pots Funny Clay Pot Designs

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Clay pots are commonly used for storing a variety of plants. If you're looking to brighten up your indoor or outdoor garden, try using paint or other decorations to spruce up your clay pots. Before you apply any paint, buff and seal the clay container ahead of time. Next, try adding paint or other odds and ends to make your clay pot a fun, decorative fixture in your home.

  1. 1

    Scrub off rough patches of clay with an abrasive pad. Run your hands along the outer and inner edges of clay pot to feel for any uneven spots. If you feel any prickly sections, use a rough cleaning pad to sand down any of these areas with short, even strokes.[1]

    • If you don't have a abrasive pad on hand, try using a coarse sheet of sandpaper, like 40- or 80-grit.[2]
  2. 2

    Wipe down any excess dirt and dust with a damp paper towel. Wet a paper towel and rub along the surface and rim of your clay pot. Focus on cleaning off any specks of dust, dirt, or grime that were created during the scrubbing and sanding process. Don't worry about giving the pot a thorough clean—just remove any obvious specks or splotches.[3]

    • If you don't have a paper towel on hand, a baby wipe or damp cloth can also work.


  3. 3

    Submerge the pot in a bleach mixture for 1 day. Mix 9 parts of water with 1 part of bleach in a large bucket or basin. After putting rubber gloves on, place your clay pot into the solution so it can soak. Wait 24 hours for the clay pot to be completely sanitized.[4]

    • Make sure that there's enough bleach solution to completely cover and soak the pot.
    • The soaking process helps remove any lingering bacteria from the pot.
  4. 4

    Spray 1-2 coats of sealant over the surface of the pot. Shake a can of clear sealer to disperse the liquid, then spray it over the surface of the pot. Cover both the outer and inner surfaces of the container, as well as the rims and bottom. Follow the drying instructions on the sealer can before applying an additional layer.[5]

    • Always apply sealant when the pot is dry. If you've recently soaked your container in a bleach solution, give it several hours to dry completely.
    • Since you're sealing the entire pot, consider working in chunks. Start by spraying the outer edge, rim, and bottom of the pot; after these sections are dry, flip the pot over and spray over the inside.

    Tip: Consider placing newspaper or plastic down before using sealant or paint.

    Always use sprayable products in a well-ventilated area.

  5. 5

    Wait for the sealant to dry completely. Read the label on the sealant can to determine how long it'll take for the product to dry fully. Wait the minimum amount of time before making any decorative changes to your pot.[6]

    • If you don't wait for the sealant to dry fully, primers and paints won't properly protect your pot.
  6. 6

    Apply a layer of primer to help thin paints adhere better. Use a medium-sized paint brush to paint a layer of basic primer over the outer surface and inner rim of the pot. Don't worry about completely painting the inside of the pot, since you won't be painting or decorating that section. Follow the drying instructions on the can before adding any paint or decorations to the pot.[7]

    • Primer is only needed if you're painting your pot with thin, acrylic paint. If you're using a chalk-based paint, then you don't need to use a primer.
    • If you're not decorating your pot with primer, disregard this step.
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  1. 1

    Pour a grape-sized amount of paint onto a plastic plate. Take your bottle of acrylic paint and squeeze a small amount onto a cheap plate. Repeat this process with all the colors you plan on using in your pot's design. If you're planning on using several paints, try using more than 1 plate to store all of your acrylics.[8]

    • Only squeeze out as much paint as you plan on using. If you're using blue as a base color and yellow as a decorative element, you should squeeze out more blue paint than yellow.
    • Pick colors based on the design scheme for your pot. For instance, if you're painting a night sky on your container, use a dark navy or black paint.
    • Metallics and bold colors are great color options for a clay pot.
  2. 2

    Thin the paint by adding a few drops of water. Add 3-4 drops of water to your acrylic paint. Stir the water into the paint with a foam brush until the product looks thin and slightly watery. Don't add too much water to the mixture, as this could make the paint difficult to apply later on.[9]

    • If you're thinning a small amount of paint, only use 1-2 drops of water.
  3. 3

    Brush a base layer of paint onto the pot with a brush. Dip a foam or regular brush into 1 of your acrylic paints, then start applying the product to your pot. Work in long, horizontal strokes, curving the paint along the bottom of your clay pot. Continue painting from bottom to top, working in circles as you make your way to the rim. Additionally, paint the inner rim of the pot with paint, as this portion will be visible to the naked eye.[10]

    • If you're going for a smooth, consistent layer of paint, try keeping your paint strokes as long and smooth as possible. If you're creating a more abstract theme, try painting in small and short strokes.
    • For instance, if you're painting a night sky onto your pot, you'll want to keep the base layer of blue as consistent and smooth as possible.
  4. 4

    Let the paint dry completely. Read the label on your acrylic paint to see what the estimated drying time is. Wait 1 hour before checking the surface of the pot, and let the container dry for longer, if needed. Continue following the instructions on your paint supplies to create an accurate and beautiful paint job on your pot.[11]

    • Don't apply another layer of paint until the base layer is completely dry. Painting over a wet base coat could lead to unwanted smears.
  5. 5

    Add extra layers of paint to create a vibrant color. Check the shade of your pot after the base coat dries. Is this color vibrant enough for your tastes, or would you prefer a deeper hue? Apply an additional coat or 2 of paint as needed until your container reaches the perfect color.[12]

    • Let each coat of paint dry before adding a new one.
    • If you're creating a night sky or other solid background, you might want more than 1 paint coat to make your pot really pop with color.
  6. 6

    Apply 2 layers of differently colored paint to create a unique pattern. After your base layer of paint dries, apply 1-2 coats of a darker paint, like black or gray, on top of the original color. Once the top coats dry, use a wire brush to scrape away some of the darker paint.[13]

    • Scrape away as much or as little of the top layer as you'd like.
    • If you add 2 layers of top coat, make sure you let the first layer of paint dry before adding a second.
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  1. 1

    Use a thin paint brush to paint small designs onto your pot. Dip a thin brush into the acrylic paint of your choice, then start sketching a design onto the newly painted surface of your pot. Apply the paint in soft, delicate strokes, taking care not to smear or smudge the design along the way. Try to use conservative amounts of paint when adding smaller designs—if needed, you can always touch up the spot with more paint later on![14]

    • Foam brushes might not be the best option for detail work.
    • If you're using multiple colors in your decorative design, make sure to rinse and clean the thin brush in between uses.
  2. 2

    Add strips of painter's tape before you paint to create cool patterns. Cut or rip away long and short strips of painter's tape before placing them over the surface of your pot. Think of what kind of design you'd like to create—would you prefer to split the pot into 2 colors, or create a zig-zag shape? Once you've picked out a design, press these sections of tape along the outer surface of your clay pot, then paint the pot. Once the paint around the tape dries, you can remove the strips.[15]

    • For instance, if you're creating a zig-zag shape, you'll need to rip away multiple short strips of tape. If you're painting the pot in 2 simple colors, you only need 1 long piece of tape to encircle the entire pot.
  3. 3

    Tie twine around the center of your pot if you don't want to use tape. Measure the circumference of your pot to determine the base length of your twine. Once you have this measurement on hand, add a minimum of 6 in (15 cm) to the existing length. Cut your piece of twine and wind it around the pot, using the extra section of string to tie your twine into a nice bow.[16]

    • If you want to better secure your twine into place, consider using hot glue.
    • For a fun decorative scheme, try wrapping the twine around the pot several times before tying it into place.
  4. 4

    Try using a thick chalk paint instead of thin acrylics. Opt for a thick chalk paint to cover your clay pot instead of traditional acrylics. Using a foam brush or sponge, paint over the clay surface and inner rim with this specialized paint as your base layer. Once the paint is dry, try drawing over the surface with chalk. Now, you can leave fun messages and notes on your pots![17]

    • You can add a second layer of chalk paint, if necessary.
    • Chalk paint can be useful if you need to label herbs, flowers, and other plants.
  5. 5

    Cover your pot with fabric instead of paint. Lay out a piece of fabric that's large enough to surround your pot. After laying the material pattern-side-down onto a flat surface, use a foam brush to apply a thin layer of craft glue to the lower half of the pot. Arrange the fabric carefully around the container, applying glue in sections and pressing the fabric into place around the pot. Apply glue to the inner rim of the pot, and attach 1 to 2 in (2.5 to 5.1 cm) of fabric to this portion.[18]

    • Mod Podge is safe to use on clay and terracotta pots.
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Things You'll Need

  • Clay pot
  • Abrasive cleaning pad
  • Sandpaper (optional)
  • Paper towel
  • Baby wipe (optional)
  • Bleach
  • Water
  • Bucket or basin
  • Spray-on sealant
  • Primer
  • Medium-sized paint brush
  • Acrylic paint
  • Foam brushes
  • Regular brushes (optional)
  • Thin paint brushes
  • Painter's tape
  • Twine
  • Chalk paint
  • Craft glue
  • Fabric
  • Scissors

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